Friday, April 16, 2010
This week the story 'Brag.Brag' was introduced and targeted /r/blends; gr/cr/kr/pr/dr/fr/and /tr/. Some children are confusing /dr/ and /br/. Blends are difficult for English and non-English speakers just as /d and /b/ are still mis-spelled by many children learning English. Some children are reading 'Glub,Glub' and reviewing /l/ blends. We are reviewing, reading and writing words with the long/a/e/i/o/u/ vowel sounds. Application of our knowledge of long vowels and newly acquired blends occur daily when writing sentences and creative stories. Please ensure you consistently and regularly review the long vowels when reading with your children. Ask them about the vowel sounds in words; are they short or long vowels? Ask you child to explain his/her understanding. The children should be able to differentiate between short vowel /a/ and long vowels/ai/,/a-e/ as well as give an explanation. Understanding how words are formed, having a knowledge of sight words, make for strong reading skills which translate into stronger writing skills!