Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I would like to welcome all the children back to school. I hope everyone had a great summer holiday and that we are all energized for a new school year.I am looking forward to a great year teaching Year 2. I had the privelege of teaching some of your children in year 1 last year and I am looking forward to continuing on a new journey of discovery with new and returning children. Please feel free to come and see me at anytime. I am always available before and after school to discuss any concerns you may have.
Our goal at this time of the year is for the children to settle into routines and to work towards becoming independent learners. Our routine at the beginning of the day will be slightly different than in Year 1. The children will keep their morning and afternoon snacks in their backpacks. Please keep labelling the snacks, Snack 1, for the morning snack and Snack 2 for the afternoon snack. If not labelled the children may get confused and ask us which snack they should eat first. Please inform the school if your child will be eating the school lunch. If you decide to change your child's lunch status, please inform the school as well.
The children will be expected to empty their backpacks by themselves, take out their folders, open their diaries and place them in the appropriate box. Please allow them to do this independently. It may take time but it is part of each child's responsibility in Yr.2. It will also help us begin the day promptly and efficiently.
Please take note of the Yr 2C Schedule. The first 2 weeks will be spent on review and assessment. This year the children have P.E. and Library twice each week. On P.E.days the children wear only the P.E. uniform. Please ensure they have a hat and an extra bottle of water in their backpacks. Our new Librarian will inform us as to which day the children will change their books. Circle Time will begin in the 3rd week of School. It will take place from Monday to Thursday only. We will begin the at home reading program at the end of Week 2. I am in the process of assessing reading skills so that the children are placed in the appropriate level.
We are off to a great start and I am confident we will have a great year! I look forward to working with your children and interacting with all of you throughout the year.