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Portfolio DayDate:Wednesday May 26th, 2010Date:Thursday May 27th, 2010Time: 8.30-9.00Place: Yr 2C classroomPlease check your child's diary for your scheduled date and time
Please take note that the time for our performance assessment has been changed to 8.45 on Wednesday May 19th, 2010. Some parents who drop their children off at 8.30 will be unable to return at 2.00 pm due to their work schedules. I have therefore changed the time for the children's performances to 8.45. I apologize for any confusion and hope this will accomodate everyone. See you there!
The children have enjoyed our unit 'Listen Up' immensely and even asked if we could continue learning about folktales to the end of the year. This week our travels took us to Ireland and Greece. We read different versions of 'How the turtle lost its shell' and each story elicited new perspectives on the story and its characters. We have been exploring the meaning of the word entertaining and that gestures, facial expressions, voice, and props can make a story entertaining. The children have been busy planning and practising for their performances !
This week we continued with our investigations into beginning/r/blends and the /squ/ blend. Children are using phonetic spelling and as they write unknown words are exploring r controlled words with sounds /ar/ir/or/ur/ and sounds such as /th/ch/sh/and /wh/. Discuss new vocabulary that your child may come across while reading and discussing the sounds, letter patterns, syllables, word families and rhymes found in words. We have been very busy summarizing text and writing about the events in stories. Come in and take a look at the simple books they have made! When reading with your child, you may want to ask about the meaning of words. Ask them questions related to content, predictions, style, actions, images, events , inferences and the author's purpose in writing. By doing this you will enhance their reading and writing skills!
This week in math, we reviewed place value and repeated addition. We also reviewed counting on from any number to 100 and we explored counting to 1000 by jumps of 100. We began our investigations into division. We discussed the symbol used in division and used manipulatives to understand the concept of division. The children were able to make connections to multiplication as well! We will continue with division and also explore numbers and the symbols used for greater than and less than.
You are cordially invited to Yr 2c Folktale performances! We are busy planning for our authentic end of unit assessment! Please come and join the audience! Keep your calendar free for Wednesday May 19th at 2.00. See you there!
Year 2c would like to invite you to Portfolio Day which will occur on Thursday, May 27, 2010. It will take place in the morning between 8.30-9.30. An invitation specifying your time will be sent to you in the coming week. Meet you there!
Field Trip- Tuesday, May 4, 2010. Please don't forget that we are going on a field trip on Tuesday. We will eat lunch at the park. Please make sure your child brings a small backpack (which they can carry on their backs)to store their lunch and a bottle of water. They should come dressed in their P.E. uniforms and bring along their hats.Apply sunscreen at home!
In our unit 'Listen Up', we have been exploring the world of fables. We discussed the morals of the stories and how these can be applied to our everyday lives. The children enjoyed such fables as 'The Fox and the Crow', 'The Hare and the Tortoise' and the 'The Heron and the Fish'. We read folktales from Timor, Cape Verde and Italy. We illustrated and wrote about 'The Hare and the Tortoise' and are busy completing our own creative stories.The children chose their favorite folktales to perform. They will be busy planning for their performances. We will be inviting parents to our show. Be on the lookout for this special day next week!
This week , the children spent time reviewing sight words and writing sentences using these words. We continued reading 'Brag,Brag', 'Here Comes the Bride' and'Scat Cat' and exploring blends /br/and/sc/. In handwriting we focused on writing the letter 'I'. We spent time reviewing the beginning , middle and end of stories in our unit of inquiry and worked on a plan which would help us write our own creative stories. The children explored sequencing events in stories and answering comprehension questions when reading text.
This week in math we explored multiplication as repeated addition. We investigated the 1x's and 2 x's tables and looked for patterns. The children were very observant and made discoveries. Did you know that the 2x's tables end in even numbers? We reviewed the number chart, counted in 5's and subtracted 5 from any number ending in 0 and 5.