Saturday, February 6, 2010
The children have really enjoyed our Unit of Inquiry 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'. We completed our homemade plant hangers! We used used cut up plastic bottles and glued on bits of colored tissue paper. Last week the children had a wonderful experience learning about the process of paper making with Ms. Newton in 2N. We decorated the newly created paper and attached acrostic poems with the words 'reuse' and 'reduce' unto them. The children were able to reduce the amount of trash on our bulletin board landfill by moving the trash( paper, plastics, glass) over to the appropriate recycling bins on the opposite side of the board. We did. however,run into a dilemna! In the landfill we found wood, batteries, and peels. We decided we couldn't allow these items to stay in the landfill and we needed a solution. We sent organic materials into the compost bin, the batteries to the store bin and we decided the wooden items could be reused,repaired or recycled into firewood! The children learned how to make a train track out of recycled paper!Take a look at the slideshow and Nuno's 'Show and Tell'.