Sunday, November 22, 2009
Due to the weather we decided to reschedule our field trip to the farm. We were all extremely dissapointed but we had to make a decision the day before and decided the weather could not be trusted. We were wrong but rescheduled the trip to the farm for this coming Tuesday, November 24th! Instead of going to an actual farm, we watched videos on different types of farms; fish farms, produce farms, dairy farms,etc. At the end of the day we had a picture of farms and processes that take place on the farm, at the market and in factories. We made investigations into different foods and worked on a timeline to show what happens at the different stages of food production. During 'Show and Tell' Bailey showed us how whole oranges could be processed into orange juice using a simple hand juicer!After a hard day's work in school, the juice tasted so great!